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(570) 421-3060

Coffee drinking and stains on your teeth

Wednesday, September 29th, 2021

Can you have your cake and eat it too? Well in this case we will be talking about coffee, so I guess what we should really say is can I have my coffee and drink it too?

The short answer is yes you can! A cup of Joe for many is a daily morning routine that is unbreakable! We hear a lot of questions about stains and teeth whitening that revolve around coffee. So, can you have white teeth and also enjoy your morning coffee?

First, we need to understand what coffee can do to teeth. The easiest way we can explain it is for you to think of a coffee cup that is white on the inside. You know that if you leave coffee sitting in that cup for a period of time, that the cup will get stained. Well, let’s replace that coffee cup with your teeth.

Second, we often get asked how one person can drink coffee and their teeth get stained, yet someone else drinks a lot more coffee and their teeth do not, how is that? Well, all teeth are not created equal. You just may be more apt to staining then others, or maybe there are some irregularities on the surface of your enamel that is the cause. Or maybe you grind your teeth and that has created small cracks.

There are many reasons why, so let us discuss what can be done.

There are a few things that can help reduce coffee stains.

#1 BRUSH – The obvious – brush immediately after you drink your coffee.

#2 RINSE – If you can’t brush then rinse with water.

#3 TOOTHBRUSH – We have found that some toothbrushes simply just do not clean well. We recommend any of the Phillips Sonicare electric toothbrushes.

#4 TOOTHPASTE – Be sure to use a whitening toothpaste. At your next appointment ask your hygienist which toothpaste they recommend. Again, some people may need enamel + whitening and others may need prescription toothpaste, while some can just use any over the counter.

#5 STRAW – Drink through a straw. Not just coffee, but any drink that can “stain” by using a straw you eliminate contact with your teeth.

We hope these tips help you and that you found this article useful. Should you be interested in our Professional Teeth Whitening Service please reach out to us today (570)421-3060.

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