Be mindful of the candy that your teeth will be in contact with this weekend. Remember brushing is always one of the key defenses! For more on what candy can do to your teeth read our article called “Halloween and candy for your teeth” –
Continue ReadingHalloween is right around the corner and we understand that candy and treats are a bit part of Halloween. We thought we would give a list of some candy you may want to resist sinking your teeth into this year. Sticky Candy – Sticky candy is an obvious one. These candy types get stuck in […]
Continue ReadingIt is that time of year again to think about using your dental insurance benefits before they expire. If you have any unfinished work, now is the time to schedule your appointment because “If you don’t use it, you lose it!”. Call now to set up your appointment. 570-421-3060
Continue ReadingWhen was your last checkup? Be sure to call and schedule your appointment so you can stay on top of keeping your teeth healthy and strong!
Continue ReadingCan you have your cake and eat it too? Well in this case we will be talking about coffee, so I guess what we should really say is can I have my coffee and drink it too? The short answer is yes you can! A cup of Joe for many is a daily morning routine […]
Continue ReadingDid you know that we have a referral program that pays you back? That’s right, after each referral, up to 5, we will gift you a little something back. Just our way of saying thank you for sharing the love! See what prizes you could earn
Continue ReadingWe would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Labor Day! Please travel safely!
Continue ReadingOur staff here at Kandl Dental is really what makes us as successful as we are. They work hard to ensure that all of our clients have the best experience possible. Dr. Kandl was recently quoted in an article and said this about the Kandl Dental Team “A good, strong team is the most important […]
Continue ReadingYour safety continues to be our concern. We ask if you can please call when you arrive for your appointment, and we will instruct you from there. We still have purifiers in every room as well as UV and HEPA filters in our HVAC. We also have our extraoral suction machines which many of you […]
Continue ReadingHave you seen the recent article published about Dr. Kandl, the office, and team? You can view it here!
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